The Higher Ed Marketer is centered around marketing professionals in the field of higher education. If you’re looking for real, practical advice on how to level up your marketing game, this is the show for you. Each episode features conversations with some of the best and brightest marketing minds in higher education, discussing the future of marketing, new technologies and so much more.
Recent Episodes
Behind the Microphone

December 17, 2024
Dueling Perspectives: Enrollment VP and Parent
~33 minutes (at 1.5x speed) Ed Wright, VP of Enrollment at Lebanon Valley College, explores the evolving landscape of higher education and the challenges of enrollment management. He shares insights on innovation in a copycat industry and the importance of communication and relationships. As a parent, Ed reflects on guiding…
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December 10, 2024
Creative Solutions for Community College Marketing
In this episode, we’re joined by Jeff Ebbing, former NCMPR president and the current Director of Marketing and Communications at Southeastern Community College. Jeff brings a wealth of experience and a passion for showcasing the unique strengths of community colleges. He shares how authentic connections with students can transform lives…
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December 3, 2024
Kingswood Learn: Mission-Driven Innovation in Online Education with Dr. Steve Lennox, Kingswood University
In this episode of The Higher Ed Marketer, we welcome Dr. Steve Lennox, President of Kingswood University, to explore the bold vision and mission that led to the launch of Kingswood Learn. Designed to provide high-quality, free micro-courses in discipleship and leadership development, Kingswood Learn is a groundbreaking platform that…
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President & Founder
SingerDigital Marketing
Digital Marketing
May 4, 2021
More Than Just Words: How Your Marketing Strategy Can Promote Equity
Those universities that prepared to go virtual and did it well are now reaping the benefits of the trust that they earned from parents and students. What sets those schools apart from others? In this episode of The Higher Ed Marketer, Bart Caylor, President & Founder at Caylor Solutions Inc,…
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April 27, 2021
Show, Don’t Tell: The Power of Video in Higher Ed Marketing
Small to medium sized colleges, a lot of them private, all experience the challenge of trying to differentiate from public and other private schools. This challenge makes it even more critical for colleges to align their marketing in a way that can impact the major driver of institutional revenue and…
Episode Page
April 20, 2021
Messaging for the Individual: How Data Can Help You Create Engaging Stories (Part 2)
How do we help uncover and explain the most informative and persuasive information to prospective students? How do we tell stories that get them excited about education? We start by finding and utilizing data, analyzing that data, and then creating segmented marketing messages that will move the needle. In part…
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April 13, 2021
Messaging for the Individual: How Data Can Help You Create Engaging Stories (Part 1)
How do we help uncover and explain the most informative and persuasive information to prospective students? How do we tell stories that get them excited about education? We start by finding and utilizing data, analyzing that data, and then creating segmented marketing messages that will move the needle. Bart Caylor,…
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April 6, 2021
When Crisis Hits: Reputation Management in Higher Education
A single headline-making crisis can permanently alter how the public perceives your institution. In the face of a crisis, your reputation is on the line. How should you communicate a crisis to your stakeholders and how can you manage your reputation in the process? These questions and more are answered…
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March 30, 2021
Using your Distinctiveness as a Selling Point
When you’re not a large public university, you have to market yourself in a different way. Especially if you’re a faith-based institution, a single-sex college, or even an HBCU, you’ve got to set yourself apart from the rest of the field. You’ve got to be distinctive as a selling point…
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March 23, 2021
Building Stronger Relationships Using Data w/ JP Spagnolo
Marketing revolves around relationships. And the best way to strengthen those relationships and connect with prospects on a deeper level is through data. In this episode, JP Spagnolo, VP of Strategic Enrollment Management and Marketing at Capital University, joins the podcast to share how building relationships through data helps craft…
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March 16, 2021
Enrollment Marketing: How to Leverage a Mascot Program
Butler University has a unique target audience for one of their marketing campaigns — the pets of prospective students. Kristi Lafree, Director of Enrollment Marketing at Butler University, joins the podcast to talk about how the marketing team is finding innovative ways to use Blue, Butler’s very own 65-lb English…
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March 9, 2021
Creating an Adaptable Brand Promise in the Age of Social Media
On today’s episode, Bart Caylor, President & Founder at Caylor Solutions Inc, and Troy Singer, Senior Account Executive at Think Patented, chat with Deedie Dowdle, Vice President for Communications and Marketing at DePauw University about: – Working internally to create university marketing campaigns – Creating a brand promise that captures…
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March 2, 2021
How a Multi-Platform CRM can Drive Marketing Insights
On today’s episode, Bart Caylor, President & Founder at Caylor Solutions Inc, and Troy Singer, Senior Account Executive at Think Patented, have a conversation with Jeurell Smith, Institutional Data Analyst at Otterbein University about: – How to lead multi-platform CRM integration at your university – Benefits of syncing your data…
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