The Higher Ed Marketer is centered around marketing professionals in the field of higher education. If you’re looking for real, practical advice on how to level up your marketing game, this is the show for you. Each episode features conversations with some of the best and brightest marketing minds in higher education, discussing the future of marketing, new technologies and so much more.
Recent Episodes
Behind the Microphone
December 17, 2024
Dueling Perspectives: Enrollment VP and Parent
~33 minutes (at 1.5x speed) Ed Wright, VP of Enrollment at Lebanon Valley College, explores the evolving landscape of higher education and the challenges of enrollment management. He shares insights on innovation in a copycat industry and the importance of communication and relationships. As a parent, Ed reflects on guiding…
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December 10, 2024
Creative Solutions for Community College Marketing
In this episode, we’re joined by Jeff Ebbing, former NCMPR president and the current Director of Marketing and Communications at Southeastern Community College. Jeff brings a wealth of experience and a passion for showcasing the unique strengths of community colleges. He shares how authentic connections with students can transform lives…
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December 3, 2024
Kingswood Learn: Mission-Driven Innovation in Online Education with Dr. Steve Lennox, Kingswood University
In this episode of The Higher Ed Marketer, we welcome Dr. Steve Lennox, President of Kingswood University, to explore the bold vision and mission that led to the launch of Kingswood Learn. Designed to provide high-quality, free micro-courses in discipleship and leadership development, Kingswood Learn is a groundbreaking platform that…
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President & Founder
SingerDigital Marketing
Digital Marketing
November 2, 2021
Tribe, Community, Belonging, Trust: Leveraging Peer-to-Peer Connection
Students don’t actually want technology to replace all human connection. What prospects do want is one-to-one relationships with student ambassadors who will tell them what the institution is really like and help create a sense of belonging even before admission. In this episode, we interview Diego Fanara , Cofounder &…
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October 26, 2021
Student Success = Institution Success
Higher education is like marriage. Once you’re hitched, if you stop investing in the relationship, you can’t be surprised if it doesn’t last. Student success needs to be the constant, single focus of higher ed marketers to attract the right-fit students who will both stay and succeed. In this episode,…
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October 12, 2021
How to Improve Your Institution’s Inclusion Marketing
Think about your last webinar (or virtual lecture or virtual campus tour). Did you provide captioning? Did you optimize the captioning for Deaf participants? Did you make it clear to all participants that you were providing this service? Unless all three answers were yes, you need to make your marketing…
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September 28, 2021
Small University Presidents: Build Your Social Media Presence
Big universities have the luxury of spending $1M per year only on advertising. For smaller universities, that’s close to a tenth of our entire operating budget. But all universities have the exact same access to social media platforms. When a university president starts amplifying stories about the institution, think of…
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September 21, 2021
Authenticity: Aligning the Online Message w/ the On-Campus Feel
A university website is often families’ first look into the university itself. If you haven’t updated your website in three, six, or twelve months, then you aren’t being authentic online. In this episode, we interview Donnell Wiggins , Associate VP for Strategic Enrollment Management & Dean of Admission at University…
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September 14, 2021
Message Creation w/ the Caylor Solutions Team
How do you create upwards of 150 pieces of deliverables for a traditional undergrad campaign designed for enrollment that ranges from direct mail to automation? We wanted to show you behind the curtain, so to speak, at Caylor Solutions by highlighting the leadership team after their stellar accomplishment on a…
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August 31, 2021
Video Messages for Engagement w/ Gen Z Students & Families
We all have an internet connection with several high quality cameras within arm’s reach. The only thing keeping us from sending video communications is our human vulnerability. Sending a personalized video message is a way to become more human and more real to the people we are trying to impact…
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August 24, 2021
Be Like Disney: Reimagining Campus Visits w/ Dr. Tony Turner
Disney is renowned for creating a magical experience for each and every guest. Institutions who focus on creating a unique VIP experience for individuals and families on campus visits will build a meaningful and lasting connection. In this episode, we interview Dr. Tony Turner , Vice President of Enrollment and…
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August 17, 2021
Omni-Channel Platforms: Automate & Personalize Your Marketing
The marketing process for higher education is characterized by a substantial level of customer interaction. Omni-channel platforms can help you cut through the clutter by automating many of those brand touches. To tell you more about how to leverage automation and personalization in omni-channel platforms, we invited two experts from…
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August 10, 2021
The 5 Steps of Storytelling at Notre Dame w/ Jim Small
Storytelling is arguably the most powerful form of communication. The art of crafting a story that creates a desire to do something is more straightforward than you’d think. Our guest today uses a five-step process, and you can, too. In this episode, we interview Jim Small, Associate Vice President for…
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