Aired: April 4, 2023

Take Your Voice Back: Being Change Agents in Higher Ed Marketing

Higher ed marketers often get so caught up in promotion that they take a backseat in developing the other core components of their school’s brand. But as Carrie Phillips, Chief Communications and Marketing Officer at the University of Arkansas – Little Rock, pointed out, marketers have the power to be change agents for their schools.

As the enrollment cliff approaches, they’re going to need all the leverage they can muster.

By building relationships with other departments and personalizing mission-fit content, marketing teams can take their voices back and elevate their institution’s brand.

Join us as we discuss:

– 3 key marketing tactics to avoid the enrollment cliff (5:46)

– Addressing student needs through intentional listening (13:01)

– How higher ed marketers can be change agents (16:57)

Check out these resources we mentioned during the podcast:

Carrie Phillips

University of Arkansas – Little Rock

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