Aired: April 19, 2022

One-of-a-Kind: Marketing the Uniqueness of Your School

What sets your school apart from others? 

It’s a useful thing to know. 

You can devise a powerful marketing strategy if you embrace what makes you unique and use it to attract prospective students. 

In this episode, Lindsay Nyquist, Director of Marketing and Communications at Fort Lewis College, joins the show to talk about recognizing and marketing the uniqueness of your school. 

We discuss:

The experience of being featured in the first episode of The College Tour
Strategies for ensuring you authentically reflect the makeup of your student body
How to develop and refine a consistent school brand 

Mentioned during the podcast:

Ep. 47 – The College Tour: A Peek at Schools Across the Country w/ Alex Boylan 
Ep. 55 – Leadership Lessons… w/ Dr. Mark Jobe  

To hear more interviews like this one, subscribe to Higher Ed Marketer on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your preferred podcast platform.  

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