Aired: November 30, 2021

Mission-Fit Students: Graduate & Seminary Enrollment Marketing

There’s a degree of simplicity to enrollment marketing in the undergraduate world. The schools have the luxury of buying lists to recruit students.

When it comes to grad school and seminary enrollment, it isn’t quite so easy.

In this episode, we talk with Kevin Bish, VP of Enrollment Management and Student Services at Asbury Theological Seminary, about how to identify mission-fit students who will thrive at your institution and how to recruit them.

Join us as we discuss:

– Asbury’s approach for identifying mission-fit grad students

– Helping potential students find their mission statements

– Finding the ideal student through a stick figure exercise

– Using the institution’s 100th anniversary in enrollment campaigns

Contact Kevin:

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The Higher Ed Marketer podcast is brought to you by Caylor Solutions, an Education Marketing and Branding Agency.