Aired: December 26, 2023

Emotional Transformation: The Power of Authentic Student Stories

Telling the authentic transformative stories of students and staff on your campus helps foster real emotional connections.

Without forming a genuine connection with your prospective students, they may see right through you.

Stories are everything – it’s time to show the impact your university has had on those in your community.

Documentary storyteller Ryan Koral, the Founder of Enroll Films, gets our conversation started on the importance of letting your students tell their stories.

In this episode, we explore all the aspects of transformative storytelling.

Join us as we discuss:


– [14:33] Marketing amidst inevitable change

– [16:51] Documentary storytelling and fundraising

– [26:11] Making your interviewees comfortable

Check out these resources we mentioned during the podcast:

10x Is Easier Than 2x by Dr. Benjamin Hardy and Dan Sullivan

Ryan’s Checklist

– Ryan Koral on LinkedIn and Instagram

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To hear this interview and many more like it, subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts or search for The Higher Ed Marketer in your favorite podcast player.

The Higher Ed Marketer podcast is brought to you by Caylor Solutions, an Education Marketing and Branding Agency.